Aug 21, 2023: New York NY. Welcome to Carl’s School. I am an experimental particle physicist! What does that mean? If you hang out here, you will learn. I promise to keep this non-technical, and exciting.
Our first course, “Tell me, what are neutrinos” will begin Thursday, Aug 24. The course is fully subscribed.
Here’s what’s coming:
What makes the sun shine? The answer is nuclear physics: the hydrogen nucleus, a proton, goes through “combustion” and becomes helium. Don’t worry, I realize this may not make sense to you now; but after you sit through a few of my neutrino course lectures, it will make sense. And, I expect you to ask me questions if it doesn’t make sense to you.
What makes physics sexy: electric charges, where unlike charges attract, but like charges repel. This may not make sense to you now; but after a few electron course lectures, yes, it will make sense.
Are you curious how things work? How does a battery store electric energy? Why does flushing a toilet make so much noise, and what is going on? Listen in on how things work.
Let’s have fun together, learning how to better understand the world around us. Check out Carl’s School
Last changed Aug 21, 2023
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